Hidden Costs in a Home Loan

Hidden Costs in a Home Loan

Hidden Costs in a Home Loan

Extra Costs in Home Loans

Hidden costs� in a  home loan,  a term we all are familiar with. Many a times we go to purchase some good and we are made to pay �taxes extra� an amount more than the printed price. Usually there is a small asterix below any advertisement which we do not pay much attention but during purchase it increases the price. The same matter happens with home loans. We see heavy discounts and low interest rates but we do not consider the hidden costs that we end up paying during taking a loan for purchasing a home.
 A home loan may be in simple terms amount borrowed by the borrower from the lender for a certain period of time with a certain amount of interest charged with the amount to be paid. As an individual comes up with the decision of taking a home loan one is usually not aware of other processing charges and this may lead to quite some amount if not prepared for.
Also certain financial institutions may make the borrower open account in their bank with depositing a certain amount minimum or also the borrower may have to oblige by taking their shares which can be a pinch as the individual may not be prepared for this money.
It is always advisable to get thorough knowledge from different financial institutions and private brokers for their special requirements other than the interest rates before taking the step of applying for a home loan. 

Hidden Costs Home Loans

1) Administrative fees: The different paper work and documents required as well as the stationary is added as a fee.
2) Processing charge: This amount is taken by the bank for the application and other processing charges. It may vary for every institution but usually may be 0.5% till 1% of the loan amount.
3) Legal charges: Some banks may also charge for legal verifications and visits from the verification teams. This may vary from different individual banks or private brokers.
4) Delayed payment charges: Sometimes under unexpected circumstances the borrower may not be able to pay the monthly installment. Here for the next month amount as delayed payment is also charged with the amount. The percentage may vary for different lenders.
5) Prepayment penalties: In case the borrower or individual that has taken the loan is willing to pay the amount prior to the set dates the bank loses on the amount earned as interest so they apply penalty charges for closure of the loan. Still the borrower is at benefit as this penalty fee is much lesser than the interest rate charged by the financial institution.
6) Cheque bounce charges: Penalty charges are levied in case of bouncing of cheque by the borrower.
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